A legacy to
look back at

In 2006, Design and Technology Center came to the fore as a collaborative initiative of the then Bangladesh Chapter of GTZ (now GIZ, the German Technical Cooperation), DCCI (Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GoB. The objective was to groom and create a generation of Industrial Designers and Design Thinkers for the burgeoning sectors like Furniture, Leather, Fashion, Jewelry and Allied Products. Following the sheer success of that project, in 2010, a limited company was formed under the name Design and Technology Centre Ltd. (DTC).

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A company
for all seasons

Over the years, Design and Technology Centre Ltd. (DTC), created a unique brand entity for itself. It is the kind of a company that actually works across the sectors, and serves clients with an end-to-end integrated approach. Among clients and industry veterans, DTC made a name for itself for its:

Ethical Business Principles
Profound Sectoral Knowledge
Result-Driven Approach
Design & Implementation Excellence
Service Attitude
Brand Custodianship
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